Bicycle Day Mixtape 2021 Cover Art

The Bicycle Day Mixtape by Wizzy Wonk dropped on April 14, 2021.
This “mixtape”, or EP, featured two very different electronic music mixes by music producer and DJ, Wizzy Wonk. We worked together to capture the iconic story of the world’s first acid trip while telling another story of our own through the two pieces of cover art.


Telling a Story

The number one thing Wizzy Wonk, Will Munholland, wanted to keep at the forefront of this project was the story of Hofmann’s Bicycle ride home on April 14th, 1943. That experience went down in history as the world’s first acid trip.

Wizzy created two EDM mixes to celebrate the occasion which we later referred to as “Side A” and “Side B” of the metaphorical mixtape. Each side needed its own piece of cover art to represent its musical identity but still needed to be cohesive enough to be recognized as part of the same EP.

“The first half of my Bicycle Day mixtape was made to highlight some of my favorite textures, atmospheres, and synth-work in the experimental music community. It’s really some of my favorite stuff to not only listen to but to make and the mix will have a few IDs of some of the prettier music I’ve been working on.” - Wizzy Wonk

“Side B of my Bicycle Day mixtape was meant to highlight the darker and more dissonant side of electronic music. Lots of variety ranging from deep and subby to heavy and atonal tunes. Inspired by the darker side of psychedelia, a real bad trip into the depths of paranoia, fear, and ego-death-based sound exploration.” - Wizzy Wonk




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