‘Dreams’ Collection with Riddim Clothing

Riddim Clothing and Lucy K Art came together to create this limited edition ‘Dreams’ clothing collection available in July 2021 for a limited time.


Partnering with Independent Artists

Riddim Clothing is an online clothing brand inspired by Riddim music, a heavy bass sub-genre of Electronic Dance Music.

“In 2019, Founder Jesse Aragon, established UNDERGROUND ENTERTAINMENT along with partners Adam Cobain, founder of Riddim Project (@theriddimproject) & Johnny Perez. Underground was created to provide a platform that young, talented producers could use to rise into this growing industry. We inspire to innovate the methods of business & put the focus where it needs to be, the Underground.

Riddim Clothing will be a major component to the growth of Underground as a way for us to give back to the community that we love. We will continue to keep the culture alive by providing the filthiest shows to SoCal areas as well as expanding cities.“ - Riddim Clothing

Not only is Riddim Clothing working to help promote aspiring musicians and producers but they are now spotlighting independent artists and graphic designers in their new collections. I was honored to be apart of one of their first of many collaborations.


Make it stand out

When Jesse and his team came to me with the project they already had a clear idea of what they wanted. It was up to me to add style and color that not only appealed to their audience but was screen-printing friendly.

I guess it worked because the “Invasion” hoodie and t-shirt sold out three days after the collection launched.


Deathstep Graphic Band Tee


Bicycle Day Mix Tape 2021 Cover Art